W265 D190 H180mm
Bull Leather / Steel
しっかりと安定感のあるPUSH UP BARです。厚手のBULLの革のグリップが程良く手に馴染み、気分よく腕立て伏せが出来ます。床で腕立て伏せする時と比べて、グリップを握るので手首への負担が減りトレーニングを始めたばかりの方にもオススメです。またトレーニング上級者の方が使っても、しっかりと胸の可動域が出るようにバーの高さを高めに設定しています。
This push-up bar is stable and solid. The thick BULL leather on the grips will gradually conform to the shape of your hand, and help you to perform fulfilling push-ups. Compared to push-ups done against the floor only, holding the grips will reduce the strain on your hands and wrist. As such, it is quite good for those who are just getting started on their training path.
The bar is set to a slightly elevated position so that a person can perform push-ups with a full range of motion. In this way, people who have trained for a long time will also benefit from using the bars.