Width 100mm Thickness 5mm
Leather / Brass
Nearly everyone who does serious weight-training uses a weight belt. They use it for various reasons, from preventing lower back injuries to utilizing core strength to attempt challenging weights. I pursued a weight belt that felt like my own skin. A belt is, of course, a belt, but I wanted a belt that felt like a thick band of muscle wrapped around my waist. That said, it also had to be durable, while still being comfortable. Most weight training belts protect the lower back, but also restrict one’s ability to use one’s core strength.
Belts used for power-lifting allow both protection of the lower back and access to core strength, but are stiff and uncomfortable to wear.
This strength belt combines the benefits of regular weight training belts and power lifting belts, and includes a high level of comfort upon wearing.
During the testing phase, I first used metal rivets to attach the buckle to the leather. I discarded the design, however, because it caused discomfort to the stomach area. When I tried to attach it with stiches instead, I also discovered that the original suppleness of the leather would be lost if too many stiches were used. To address that problem, I chose to eliminate all waste and limit the stitches to the smallest number possible while still retaining the durability of the fastening.
The type of metal was also a concern for me. Buckles are usually made from iron and zinc, but I chose to use brass so that the buckles would stand up to long years of use without erosion or other damage. In this way, even the less obvious parts of the belt are designed to withstand intense lifting.
ヒントになるものが、ウエイトトレーニングの師匠である高西文利会長が愛用していた20年以上前のトレーニングベルト。 そのベルトはサンプレイの宮畑豊会長が製作し譲り受けたものでした。ぱっと見た雰囲気は普通の革のトレーニングベルトだが、巻いた瞬間にベルト特有の違和感が一切なく、今まで感じたことのない最高のフィット感でした。その秘密が、見たことのない特別に分厚い5mmの1枚の革を使用していたことと、硬すぎず柔らかすぎない絶妙な弾力のある革でした。
今では市場に一切出回らない5年以上生きた牛からしか5mm以上の革はとれないようで、現在の市場にある革は約3歳の成牛の革で3mm〜4mmしかないとのことでした。日本中探し回り、年間に数枚だけならと特別に譲り受けることが出来ることになりました。その革との出会いからストレングスベルト作りが始まりました。 革を探している時に発見した事が、市販のトレーニングベルトでは厚みを出すために貼り合わせた革を使用しているらしく、この貼り合わせた革が装着した時に硬さや痛みなどの違和感を感じさせる原因だと気づきました。
In pursuit of my ideal belt, I got a hint from one that weight training master Fumitoshi Takanishi used over twenty years ago. Takanishi is currently the strength coach for the Softbank Hawks of the Nippon Professional Baseball League. That belt was specially crafted by Miyahata Yutaka, and Takanishi received it with much gratitude. At a glance, it appeared to be a normal weight-training belt, but when I put it on there was none of the familiar discomfort associated with most weight belts. It fit me better than any belt I had yet tried. The secret was an especially thick, 5 mm piece of leather. I had never seen anything like it. The leather had a delicate flexibility that was neither too stiff not too soft. I learned that it is usually not possible to obtain leather of such thickness, as cows that have lived the necessary six years or more are not available on the market. Cows whose leather is available are generally three years old, and the leather is only 3-4 mm thick. After searching through all of Japan, however, I was able to procure the thicker, 5mm leather, though only on the condition that it be a few pieces per 5 year. It was after acquiring this privilege that I began to make my training belt. I discovered something else when I was searching for the leather. In order to achieve a certain thickness, it appeared as if the makers of standard weight belts were attaching two thinner pieces of leather together. This construction was the cause of the discomfort and stiffness one feels when putting on these belts.
硬いと動きのない違和感のあるベルトになってしまうし、弱すぎればコシを失ってしまう。試行錯誤しながら、ストレングスベルトには3ヶ月かけて植物タンニンでしっかり鞣(なめ)し、その後にひと手間加え繊維が密に詰まったコシのある革を継ぎ接ぎなしで1枚使うことにしました。 手に入れた時から身体に馴染むのですが、使えば使うほどシワや色合いが増してきて、さらに腰を包み込むように気持ちよく馴染み自分だけのベルトに変化していきます。
Even when I had the thicker leather, however, there was still a problem. How flexible should it be? Too stiff and the belt would be uncomfortable and restrict movement, too weak and it would fail to protect the lower back. After trying a number of things, I eventually settled on a single, seamless piece of leather that had been tanned for three months with vegetable tanning (a highly respected tanning process with a tradition of over 200 years) and then handled so that the individual leather fibers became densely aligned. It will fit comfortably from the time you receive it, but the more you use it the more it will adapt to the shape of your body and to the way you move, transforming into a belt that is optimized just for you.
This durability does not sacrifice comfort, however. The belt is constructed so that it lies flat and snug on the stomach area, which eliminates discomfort to the body.
In my quest to design this weight-belt, I journeyed all over Japan, ultimately obtaining the use of machines with over fifty years of effective service, other machines utilizing cutting-edge technology, and the careful handiwork of highly skilled craftsmen. With their help, I can offer you a belt of the highest quality.
Body Building Asian Champion
5年ほど前に、私が探し求めているトレーニングベルトを井谷武さんにお話しをしました。お腹側が細めになっている従来のウエイト(筋力)トレーニング用ベルトの場合は、トレーニング全般に渡って、腰の保護にはある程度有効ですが、腹圧を利用するということでは、限界があります。また、スクワット・ベンチプレス・デッドリフトを行うためのパワーリフティング専用ベルトの場合は、腰の保護と腹圧の利用という面を兼ね備え、高重量に耐え得るようになっています。 しかし、初心者や中級者にとっては、ベルトの硬さや付けた時の違和感があるように思われます。また、トレーニングのあらゆる種目に対応するにはムリがあります。 そこで私はトレーニングのあらゆるシーンで、安全面と効果面を融合させたベルトを探していました。 それ以来、井谷さんはストレングスベルトの開発に着手し、私のアドバイスを聞いていただきながら幾度となく改良を続け、製品化することに成功しました。
ストレングスベルトの持つ革の質感が人の皮膚感覚とマッチして一体化し、皮膚の一部のような働きをしているように思えます。そういった意味では、一つの究極のベルトが完成したと言えそうです。 筋力トレーニングに励まれている人に、自信を持ってお奨めします。
Roughly five years ago, I spoke with Takeshi Itani about a weight belt that I had been pursuing. Standard issue weight belts—which become narrow around the stomach—do provide a certain amount of support for one’s waist and lower back, but they limit the amount of core strength one can utilize for a given lift. In contrast, power-lifting belts made for squats, bench press, and deadlift are designed to both support the lower back and utilize core strength, which makes them suitable for use with even heavy weights. That said, the stiffness of the belt and initial discomfort experienced when putting it on may be undesirable for beginners and those with some training experience. It is also true that these belts are not well-suited for every kind of lift. That is why I was searching for a weight belt that combined the elements of safety and functionality. Since our conversation, Mr. Itani has worked hard to develop just such a strength belt. He regularly solicited my advice, and over a large number of iterations has succeeded in creating a wonderful product.
My trainees and I used a prototype of this belt for a year. Over the course of that year, we learned that it is an extremely high-quality belt that anyone could be satisfied with. In addition to its impressive functionality, the beautiful simplicity of the design is also something to be proud of.
As I used the belt, I was very surprised by one thing in particular—and it wasn’t just me. Everyone who used the belt was surprised to find that, even after performing heavy lifts, the body suffered very little lasting damage. Fatigue on the days following the lift was dramatically reduced. It’s possible that this belt, so good at reducing the fatigue of heavy lifting, delivers a new value not available in any other model.
On top o that, the leather of the belt matches the feel of the body so well that it seems to work like an additional layer of skin. For all of these reasons, it seems reasonable to say that this belt is a superior creation. I confidently recommend this to anyone who is engaged in serious training.
1991-1996 | 全日本ボディビル選手権ミドル級優勝 (6年連続) |
1992 | アジアボディビル選手権優勝 |
1993 | ワールドゲームス世界6位 (日本人初) |
1998 | 全日本ボディビル選手権ウエルター級優勝 |
1991-1996 | All-Japan Body Building Championships, Middleweight Champion (6 years in a row) |
1992 | Asian Body Building Contest, Champion |
1993 | World Games, 6th Place (First Japanese contestant to place) |
1998 | All-Japan Body Building Championships, Welterweight Champion |
XS | 50 | 60 | 70 |
S | 60 | 70 | 80 |
M | 70 | 80 | 90 |
L | 80 | 90 | 100 |
XL | 90 | 100 | 110 |