If you don't adventure when you're young, what stories will you tell when you're old?







I think of training camp and competition as a kind of journey.

Thanks to judo, I’ve been able to travel to camps and competitions all over Japan, and have made many friends. When I traveled overseas, I brought my judo-gi with me. Training in judo and ju-jutsu with the people of other countries, I felt the distances between us shrink, and I made even more friends.

But it wasn’t just my judo-gi that connected me with others. I also brought boxing gloves, mountain bikes, and my road bike.

It’s a well-worn phrase, but I’ve seen that martial arts and sports really can break down barriers between people.

In the first half of my twenties when I had little money, I scraped together enough of it to take a trip to Brazil. I didn’t know a single word of Portuguese, but the time I spent training there is one of my most precious memories.

Going forward, I plan to take my judo-gi and sports equipment to many other places in hopes of making more new friends.
